Monday, October 29, 2012

Yes, back on the road and this sign brought a smile to my face!  It's been awhile since the price of gasoline dropped below $4.00!  Of course, wouldn't you know it that we filled up ALL of our cars just 2 days ago when the sirens warned us of a Tsunami!  By the time we need to fill up again, most likely the price will be above $4 again!  Rats!

So, where am I?  Back at Pearl Harbor trying to finish off the last of the base.  Today's walk consisted of large, storage-like building.  For 2.81 miles, the route was pretty boring, but at least the buildings provided lots of shade with its long shadows.

Bus stop signs, I am accustomed to, forklift and golf cart crossing signs are a definite first!  By the way, did I see any?  Nope!

Called the"Hotel Pier," phones line this area.  I guess it's for sailors getting off of a ship and calling taxis or friends.  Lots of stone seats to sit and drink non-alcoholic beverages (do you see the vending machines?) and chat while waiting for an available phone.  Of course, with cell phones now, these booths may become obsolete!

Struck by the rainbow of color drapes, and the X's, it is not a usual sight on a military base!  Also, I wonder why  the X's are on almost every pane of glass!  Did someone forget to take it off?  What do you think?

A very long fence lining North Avenue, I like how they interspersed the wood with lava rock and the low bush and palm trees were a nice finishing touch.

I know that the pictures are few today, so I have a true, historical story to tell you.

The West Loch Disaster

This whole incident was classified as "top secret" until 1960, so it isn't as well known as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  A press blackout was enforced and Navy personnel were ordered not to talk about it.

During WWII on Sunday, (unlucky day for Pearl Harbor, yeah?) May 21, 1944, an explosion occurred in a staging area for Landing Ship, Tanks (LST's) and other amphibious assault ships.  Fire spread quickly among the ships being prepped for invasion of Japanese held Marianna Islands.  Over the next 24 hours, six LST's sank, 163 Naval personnel died and 396 were injured.

The exact cause of the disaster was never determined, but concluded that the initial explosion was caused when a mortar round aboard LST-353 detonated during an unloading operation because it was either dropped or went off when gasoline vapors ignited.  The incident led to major changes in weapon handling practices within the U.S. Navy.

In addition, during salvage and removal of the wrecks from West Loch, U.S. Navy personnel found remains of a Japanese midget submarine.  Researchers believe this to be the fifth Japanese sub used in the attack in December 7, 1941.

Anyway, hopefully the story made up for the lack of pictures and I'll be walking on Wednesday! (Halloween!)  Should I dress up for it?  If you comment yes, I will and I'll take a picture too!  Let me know!  Aloha!(Bye!)

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