Thursday, October 3, 2013

So coconut trees aren't the ONLY trees in need of metal rings to discourage rats from climbing up the trees and landing on the roofs of the nearby apartment complexes.  Double click to see the long line of trees decorated with the metal rings.

Deciding to challenge myself by hiking up Kaahumanu Street, back to Pearl City I went!  Trekking 4.72 miles for the day, I felt like I was on a roller-coaster ride dipping and rising as I walked.

I chuckled as I saw this advertisement, since you better be a local to understand this!  To the non-local, 808 is the phone area code for Hawaii and GRINDZ means (loosely, FOOD!)

Yes, Donna needs to explain why a wall caught my interest!  The textured part of the wall looks like a bunch of little FEET and I thought of my Walking Hawaiian logo with my BIG Hawaiian feet.  Maybe they got their inspiration from people driving them "up the wall!"  HaHa!

Down Ho'omalu Street, I felt nostalgic!  Why, you say?  Notice the absence of sidewalks on either side of the road and the "above ground" electric lights and telephone poles.  This is what I remember when I was a little girl.

I always find it fascinating, that when you change your point of reference, views can look quite different.  One of the many dead-ends that I traveled to, had this lovely panoramic of Pearl Harbor right out their back yard!

This must be the prettiest work area I have ever seen.  Please double-click the picture to see up close the colorful ropes cordoning off the area.

Even though Thanksgiving is not yet, this resident must be thinking about it or the turkey is their favorite avian animal.  With cooler weather on its way, I'll be very thankful when walking in the blazing sun!  Think MAHALO (thank you) everyone!


  1. I'm so glad you figured out what the bird was, because I had no idea when I was looking at it until you said "turkey". I enjoyed this walk with you through Ka'ahumanu and Ho'omalu, definitely feeling nostalgia for Hawaii nei too. The road was definitely from another time, before statutes and construction codes and whatnot. I wonder if something happened at that spot where it is so vehemently cordoned off. There's tons of sidewalks where they jut up like that and there's no warning. Oh well! I'm glad you're safe and that mayhaps it prevented you from tripping. Take care on your walks!

    1. I think that some BAD accidents must have happened on that sidewalk area too! I always try my best to be careful on all my walks! Thank you for your concern!

  2. Wow, must get some bombucha rats for such a wide metal tree wrap!

  3. Also, I think those colored cords are from surveyers when they want to mark a line on the road to inform the next person that would be cutting/digging on the road, they use those "chalked" cords. They would lay it out, tack the ends and then the surveyer would "pluck" the chalk filled cord and mark the road
