Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unbelievable day for mailboxes!  There were so many unique ones that I had to pick and choose the very best ones to show you.  Double click the picture and name all the things that you see on top of this mailbox.

My husband made the suggestion to do a community at a time to feel a sense of accomplishment when it is done.  Thinking it a great idea, I'm continuing to explore Niu Valley blocking out 3.56 more miles in this area.  Originally a dairy farm, lots started to be sold and housing put up!  With no sewers at first, septic tanks needed to be emptied upon occasion.  Of course, eventually, the sewers were put in by the City and County of Honolulu.

A shark, a fire truck (why do I see a rabbit?), a glassy wave and a Hawaiian warrior are only some of the creative mailboxes I saw.  Please drive (or walk) through this area and see for yourself the inventiveness of the residents here!

Rain was my constant companion and even though uncomfortable, yielded interesting photos because of it.  This road is Anolani and it gradually slopes upward to views of the ocean and surf.

The wet sidewalk made this name (word?) more prominent.  If not for the rain, I may have missed this sight.  I wonder who did it and how they did it?  What do you think...name or word?

Japanese love the world of miniature!  These gardens had miniature people in them.  Please double click the photo and see the detail!

The sun peeked out for a moment and highlighted the bold colors of these bromeliads!  The colors were so bright that I saw it from quite a distance!

Yes, that is EXACTLY what I did after seeing this yard ornament.  Try it yourself!  Don't forget about my CONTEST!  Details are on the blog of Sept. 20th with the contest ending on the 28th.  Enter and be a part of the drawing!  Aloha! (Bye!)


  1. I like the miniature person in the garden- he offers a new way of looking at things from such a tiny viewpoint! I would be afraid of dreaming of him running around though, and making his way into the house and wreaking destruction. D: Would you put something similar like that in your front yard?
    Brilie! seems like a name to me, how they did it I have no idea how either. Talk about leaving your mark, eh?
    I enjoyed this walk with yah. :)

    1. Hmmm... I don't think that I would put "little people" in my yard. I would DEFINITELY have a waterfall, stream and pond. Natural looking rock formations and sitting areas, lots of green flowering plants to calm and rest your soul.
