Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why yes, I did post this picture before!  Today's blog is dedicated to identifying unknown flowers previously posted.  Even though I did identify this as a pikake, the reason why the color is a pinkish-purple is because this particular variety is the "Double-pikake!"  The pikake, meaning "peacock," was named by Princess Kaiulani, since jasmine (Arabian jasmine, actually) and peacocks were what she loved most.

I made up a name for this and called it the "Christmas Tree" flower, but its actually called, the "Pagoda flower."  So named because the blossoms layered to a point, just like pagodas.  I was on the right track since the scientific name means, "The tree of fate," and has spiritual qualities associated with it!

Hugging the walls of the Kalihi-Palama transit center, I thought that it was beautiful and had no idea to the identity.  Well, it's called, the "Thunbergia."  Under ideal conditions, this vine can climb 60 feet up walls or trellises.  I think that the transit center is at least 20 feet or more!

Known as the "Angel's Trumpet flower," its resemblance to a trumpet, as well as it's toxic components (eat it and you will see angels since it will kill you) help to identify it!

These four plants are still a conundrum to me and is yet to be identified.  If you could help me, I would be beholden to you!  Get outside today and enjoy the spring blossoms!  A Hui Hou! (Until we meet again!)

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